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          교재 무통장 입금안내

          • 우리은행 1005-702-079469
          • 예금주 : 최융 KTEE출판부

          세미나/센터 입금안내

          • 국민은행 061701-04-056210
          • 예금주 : KTEE미니스트리

          KTEE 본부

          • 02-334-3489
          • 월-금  am 09:00 ~ pm 06:00
          • 점심시간  pm 12:00 ~ pm 01:00
          • 주말/공휴일 휴무
          • 메일 : ktee@ktee.org
          • 미주 : usa@ktee.org
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          SEAN 국제본부 디렉터가 보낸 인도사역에 관한 메일 페이스북 트위터 카카오톡 
          작성자 KTEE 등록일 2019-07-05 10:11:25 조회수 769

          Prayer letter March, 2017

          Dear praying friends,

          Together with my SEAN colleague David Ball, we have just returned from a very fruitful visit to India. I was expecting it just to be one more good training seminar to mobilise churches in SEAN TEE. But the Lord made it become much more than that! It turned out to be a very strategic coming together of some major players that will make a big impact for the TEE ministry in India, South East Asia and diaspora communities.

          The Seminar was organised by a Korean missionary who is a senior and influential leader in Ywam, the largest missionary agency in India. He gathered 78 pastors and leaders from many cities from different areas of India.

          The Seminar was supported by Pastors Soon Jin Han and Edward Kim of KTEE, one of our Korean ministry partners. Also present were Pastor Gihwang Shin a leader of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptists, Graham Hulse an Interserve missionary and managing director of Good Word Communication Services and last, but certainly not least, Dr. David Samuel of TAFTEE, a large TEE programme that uses SEAN courses with over 7.000 TEE students a year in India. So, apart from the Training Seminar, which in itself was good, all these key leaders agreed to work together.

          I believe this God led meeting will prove to us Psalm 133: “How good and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters!) sit together in harmony... for there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life for ever more”

          Now, in a week, Pancha and I will head for Chile to spend six weeks visiting family and churches. Also I will be making SEAN trips to Costa Rica, Colombia and Argentina.

          Thank you so much for your friendship, support and prayers Our ove in the Lord,
          Terry and Pancha 

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          남가주 보배로운교회 / 여승훈 목사님의 글 KTEE2022.07.01705
          102 등업 요청, 교재 신청 inho*** , 센터회원2024.04.042
          101 등업 요청합니다 iamn*** , 센터회원2024.03.0722
          100 등업해주세요. myho*** , 센터회원2024.02.181
          99 등업 부탁드립니다. kair*** , 센터회원2024.02.082
          98 등업부탁드립니다. jjan*** , 2024.01.223
          97 등업 부탁드립니다 anch*** , 2024.01.1845
          96 교재구입 anch*** , 2024.01.161
          95 교재구매문의 kdj0*** , 2023.12.261
          94 등업부탁드립니다. kym0*** , 센터회원2023.12.011
          93 등업 원합니다. miri*** , 2023.10.290
          92 등업부탁드립니다. maya*** , 2023.09.22121
          91 센터교회입니다. wint*** , 2023.09.010
          90 센터교회입니다. 등업해주세요. stud*** , 센터회원2023.08.26168
          89 등업 부탁 드립니다. john*** , 2023.05.23225
          88 등업 부탁드립니다. jang*** , 센터회원2023.05.08205
          87 교재 신청이 안됩니다. 등업요청합니다. hann*** , 센터회원2023.05.051
          86 등급업 부탁드립니다. meet*** , 센터회원2023.04.221
          85 등업요청합니다. clay*** , 2023.02.09417
          84 등업요청합니다 dhpc*** , 센터회원2023.01.272
          83 등업 부탁드립니다. 1346*** , 센터회원2023.01.27269

          비밀번호 확인

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          비밀번호 확인

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          6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합